El Memorializer

Member for
15 years 9 months 13 days
Find a Grave ID



I get asked often to add obituaries to memorials I manage, and I used to, but I don't any longer. I am in the process of removing the obituaries I added previously, as I see them, due to the following reason. Please read:

From Find a Grave Community Rules

Do not post, transmit, or display content which is protected by copyright or trademark or that does not belong to you and that you do not have authorization for use from the owner of the copyright or trademark, including but not limited to photos, published obituaries, and other information posted in memorials.

If you want to write your own personal message or biography to add to a memorial, I will add that. Also, facts are not copyrightable so they may be used. However, please refrain from adding the names of living family members. We need to respect the privacy of the living. If anything, simply state that the deceased has a surviving spouse, son, daughter or whatever relationship they may have had.
MISSION: I believe Find A Grave's mission first and foremost is to document cemeteries; to accurately record graves, not to build one's family tree.

Find A Grave FAQs says: Find a Grave's mission is to find, record and present final disposition information from around the world as a virtual cemetery experience.

Memorial contributions to Find A Grave should fulfill that mission - registration of the final disposition. If the memorial contribution corresponds with only the main mission, then the memorial fulfills its purpose as part of Find A Grave's mission.

Find a Grave memorials [may] contain rich content including pictures, biographies and more specific information. Members can leave remembrances via 'virtual flowers' on the memorials they visit, completing the virtual cemetery experience.

TRANSFERS (PLEASE READ): Per Find A Grave FAQs, Transferring of management should only be requested If you have extensive changes to make to a memorial. You can add photos and suggest corrections without having to request management. Simply having someone in your family tree is not grounds for a management transfer request. With hundreds of thousands of contributors, we have many overlapping family trees and it would be impossible for all contributors to manage their entire tree.

Transfer requests should be for direct relatives within four generations. This would be your siblings, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Explain your relationship in the request! Any non-direct relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) are not required to be transferred.

I will consider making out-of-guideline transfers on a case-by-case basis. Please tell me your specific relationship to the one you want transferred to you. I need specifics not vague statements such as this is my family member, my relative or they are in my family tree. IF YOU AREN'T SPECIFIC, I WILL IGNORE/DELETE YOUR REQUEST. Please be considerate when asking.
Before you assume,
~learn the facts
Before you judge,
~understand why
Before you hurt someone,
Before you speak,

~Author Unknown
When I am alone
God is my comforter
When I am nothing
God is my everything
When I am sad and lonely
God is my song and my joy
When I am weak and helpless
God is my strength
Author Unknown


I get asked often to add obituaries to memorials I manage, and I used to, but I don't any longer. I am in the process of removing the obituaries I added previously, as I see them, due to the following reason. Please read:

From Find a Grave Community Rules

Do not post, transmit, or display content which is protected by copyright or trademark or that does not belong to you and that you do not have authorization for use from the owner of the copyright or trademark, including but not limited to photos, published obituaries, and other information posted in memorials.

If you want to write your own personal message or biography to add to a memorial, I will add that. Also, facts are not copyrightable so they may be used. However, please refrain from adding the names of living family members. We need to respect the privacy of the living. If anything, simply state that the deceased has a surviving spouse, son, daughter or whatever relationship they may have had.
MISSION: I believe Find A Grave's mission first and foremost is to document cemeteries; to accurately record graves, not to build one's family tree.

Find A Grave FAQs says: Find a Grave's mission is to find, record and present final disposition information from around the world as a virtual cemetery experience.

Memorial contributions to Find A Grave should fulfill that mission - registration of the final disposition. If the memorial contribution corresponds with only the main mission, then the memorial fulfills its purpose as part of Find A Grave's mission.

Find a Grave memorials [may] contain rich content including pictures, biographies and more specific information. Members can leave remembrances via 'virtual flowers' on the memorials they visit, completing the virtual cemetery experience.

TRANSFERS (PLEASE READ): Per Find A Grave FAQs, Transferring of management should only be requested If you have extensive changes to make to a memorial. You can add photos and suggest corrections without having to request management. Simply having someone in your family tree is not grounds for a management transfer request. With hundreds of thousands of contributors, we have many overlapping family trees and it would be impossible for all contributors to manage their entire tree.

Transfer requests should be for direct relatives within four generations. This would be your siblings, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Explain your relationship in the request! Any non-direct relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc) are not required to be transferred.

I will consider making out-of-guideline transfers on a case-by-case basis. Please tell me your specific relationship to the one you want transferred to you. I need specifics not vague statements such as this is my family member, my relative or they are in my family tree. IF YOU AREN'T SPECIFIC, I WILL IGNORE/DELETE YOUR REQUEST. Please be considerate when asking.
Before you assume,
~learn the facts
Before you judge,
~understand why
Before you hurt someone,
Before you speak,

~Author Unknown
When I am alone
God is my comforter
When I am nothing
God is my everything
When I am sad and lonely
God is my song and my joy
When I am weak and helpless
God is my strength
Author Unknown

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